.Mind. ✧ Confirmation bias : is the brain’s tendency to process information by look for what is currently existing with your beliefs and what is familiar to you. An example of confirmation bias is if your favourite celebrity or influencer got exposed for something problematic, you would think to yourself “ Oh but they wouldn’t do that. “ because, after consuming so much of their content you feel as if you know them personally and that they wouldn’t really do that.
✧ Encode & Decode : Encoding is the hidden meaning that is put into a message. Decoding is how the receiver of the said message interprets it.
✧ Schema : is the way that the brain understands a certain objective; the preferred outcomes and strategies used to get to that objective
.Media. ✧ Propaganda : is information used to promote a particular point of view, change behavior or motivate action. Propaganda is used to psychologically deceive people into believing what the information given is promoting. Propaganda is commonly used in/for propaganda campaigns. A propaganda campaign is a campaign (a planned systemic effort to intentionally persuade people of thinking a certain way) that has made it's way up by deceiving people by spreading propaganda. The purpose of a propaganda campaign can vary, sometimes it is used for political reasons, sometimes for celebrities and influences + more. An example of a propaganda campaign is during wars with other countries the USA put up racist depictions of Japanese people on posters to deceive people into believing what they are seeing on those posters.
✧ Media message & media effect : The media message of something is what the message that the source of media is trying to convey. The media effect of something is the impact that it had on people that had consumed that media.
✧ Misinformation & disinformation : The difference between misinformation and disinformation is that, misinformation is unintentionally spreading false information, while disinformation is intentionally spreading false information. What might lead someone to spread disinformation can be to sabotage others. Misinformation & disinformation is used alongside altered media to start problems.
✧ Money : Money has a significant effect on what happens in media. Many people within media strive for money; their greed/desire for money may be their only motivation or goal for their career. Money can lead to people doing things to sabotage others’ careers by spreading disinformation and spreading things that were taken out of context.
✧ Representation in media & stereotypes : Within media the only group of people that were being represented and shown to the media was cis, white people. Representation was so rare in media because, everyone that was creating media public didn’t want to do something different than everyone else because what if it didn’t make as much money as everyone else? People that were creating media would rather do something familiar to them that would that would make them money rather than experiment and have the results be unknown. The small chance that someone had some form of representation, that “representation” would be derived by stereotypes. Stereotypes are harmful because stereotypes can lead people to believe that those stereotypes are true; one stereotype doesn't apply to a whole group of people.
✧ Public Relations : Public relations describes the relationship between the media and the celebrity/influencer. Maintaining a stable relationship between the media and the celebrity/influencer is important because, people had a negative view about the said celebrity/influencer they would lose support form their fans, meaning they would lose money and would lose their place in fame.
.Skills. ✧ Lateral reading : Lateral reading is the action of searching through multiple different websites about the same topic to confirm or deny the original information given to you.
✧ CTRL-F : Use CTRL-F to search the keywords in that article.
✧ Reverse image search : to reverse image search you can use Tineye.com or Google Chrome. Reverse image searching something is a liable skill to learn if you wanted to check if a photo has been altered or used out of context to deceive others.
✧ Click through the link : It is important to click/look through the link you're viewing because if the link had .org it is more likely to be unreliable, because websites with .org can be made and edited by anyone.
.Questions to ask :.
✧ Which viewpoints are included and which are missing?
✧ Is there an original source?
✧ Does the website have .org?
✧ Who made it and why?
✧ Does this contradict my current opinions or not?
✧ How might someone else think about and understand this topic?
✧ What are my thoughts and opinions on this topic?